'We couldn't operate without them': AmerisourceBergen invests in hiring immigrants – The Columbus Dispatch

On the Far South Side of Columbus sits a distribution center that has invested tens of thousands of dollars in hiring and retaining new American employees, a model one local leader hopes will catch on with other companies as well.
AmerisourceBergen, a pharmaceutical distribution company with two buildings in Lockbourne, partnered with Jewish Family Services (JFS) locally to recruit, hire, onboard and retain former refugees and immigrants. 
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“We couldn’t operate without them,” Kurt Bunnell, vice president of operations for regional warehouse management for the company, said of its new American hires, who represent 41% of the company’s local workforce.
AmerisourceBergen has hired more than 100 refugees and immigrants locally since it started hosting job fairs in mid-August through the partnership, which began in July.
The partnership was created after the director of operations for AmerisourceBergen’s Columbus distribution centers reached out to Tariq Tarey, director of refugee social services at JFS, because the company was struggling to find employees due to a pandemic-related labor shortage affecting many corporations.
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The social services agency works to find employment for refugees and immigrants who settle locally, and Tarey started working with AmerisourceBergen by first taking a tour of its facilities and talking to the company about investing in making its workplace a welcoming place for immigrants.
From the beginning, AmerisourceBergen officials were open to doing what they could to make sure new Americans could be successful there, Tarey said.
They welcomed Tarey and others from JFS in to help train new employees in their native languages, put in a prayer room for employees, hung up flags from employees’ countries to try and create a sense of welcome and had other employees trained in cultural competency, Tarey said.
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Then, when transportation turned out to be an issue for many new hires, the company funded a shuttle to pick them up in their neighborhoods.
AmerisourceBergen also hired a former JFS employee, Clarissa Manirakiza, as its senior operations training specialist. She’s a former refugee herself — originally from Rwanda — speaks six languages and helps onboard new hires.
“They have removed all barriers so the community has access to them,” Tarey said. “The idea, really, is to make sure the new American community has access to jobs that otherwise wouldn’t be accessible.”
New Americans, including immigrants and refugees, are sometimes an untapped part of the workforce because companies don’t take the time to understand different cultures or put measures in place to address language barriers and other needs to retain employees, Tarey said.
But AmerisourceBergen had hosted job fairs in the broader community and got few people — sometimes none — to show up to apply, Bunnell said. That’s why they looked to other ways to find employees, like reaching out to the local refugee and immigrant population.
After finding out what AmerisourceBergen needed, Tarey reached out to Hassan Omar, president of the Somali Community Association of Ohio, to set up job fairs. 
Each Thursday for several weeks, those interested flooded the first floor of the Northeast Side community association offices to apply for jobs, be interviewed and get drug tested on site. They could sign an offer letter the same day.
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Omar, president of the community association, helps the new American community with finding many resources, such as rental assistance, legal help, housing and more. But he said employment is what the community really needs.
“We don’t want to remain a handout,” he said. “Employment is economic development. We’d like to become self-sufficient.”
Tarey hopes to use this model with other companies who are willing to invest a little more upfront in order to gain longevity in their workforce. The partnership is ongoing as Tarey and JFS help to troubleshoot any issues that may arise, he said.
“The return investment is amazing,” he said, of working with new American employees. “(Companies) do the smaller things such as cultural competency, workplace transparency, infrastructure and training them well for success, (and it) will result in such a high retention.”
Eric DeMuth, who works locally in human resources for AmerisourceBergen, said that its workforce has always been “pretty diverse.” He said the company has hosted English-as-a-second-language classes locally and offered resume-building workshops.
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“We realized with a large group coming in all at once, we needed more support.”
The hope is that with Manirakiza working with new hires and existing employees, the employees will be happy and stay at the company, DeMuth said.
Manirakiza has been at many of the hiring events and now works to translate paperwork that new employees are signing. She highlights the importance of safety in the workplace and shows them around the warehouse.
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She’s also often called to the warehouse floor to help translate for employees and points out those on each shift who also can help translate or be a point of contact for new hires.
“I really enjoy it and I love it,” she said of her new position. “I want to make sure they stay at AmerisourceBergen.”
Having a strong and reliable workforce is vital to AmerisourceBergen because lives depend on it getting items out to hospitals, doctors offices and other medical facilities, Bunnell said.
“We don’t have the luxury of creating a backlog,” he said. “These associates truly are saving lives everyday.”
And, he said, what they’re doing with JFS aligns with the company’s purpose: creating healthier futures, including those of its employees.
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“It’s also the lives we support here,” he said. “I say take pride in the community you support. If we’re going to take pride in the community, we need to be reflective of the community as a whole, including new Americans and refugees.”
The partnership is a win-win for the community and the company, Tarey said. AmerisourceBergen is able to fill crucial roles in its company, and the local immigrant and refugee community benefits by getting good-paying jobs in an environment where their culture and religion is respected.
Hodan Barko has enjoyed her job at the company so much that she referred four of her friends. They began working with her there in October.
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Barko, 32, is a former Somali refugee and was referred to the job through the partnership between JFS and AmerisourceBergen. She has been working there since July.
“My religion is very respected, tremendously. And also my culture and also my language,” said Barko, a Muslim, speaking Somali through a translator.
She also said she feels comfortable wearing her hijab at work and is happy that the job offers consistent hours and plenty of work to do.
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Some recently arrived former refugees like Barko live in poverty locally, struggling to find jobs that are steady, respect their religion and culture, and which can be done as they learn English and adjust to living in a new country.
Her life has changed, and she’s even able to send money home to her family in Africa now.
“You can work as many hours as you want,” Barko said of AmerisourceBergen. “I don’t have to worry about my rent anymore.”


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