Richard Roth, South Africa, Somalia & other topics – Daily Press Briefing – UN Web TV

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14 April 2022
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Very positive news and exceptionally hopeful news to share with you: Two days ago, one of our dearest colleagues, CNN’s own Richard Roth, successfully underwent a kidney transplant operation. 
In a statement, the Secretary-General said he is deeply saddened by the loss of life and damage as a result of the flooding in KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa.
We, along with our international partners, welcome today’s swearing-in of newly-elected members of Somalia’s House of the People and Upper House.
On Ukraine, Martin Griffiths, the Emergency Relief Coordinator, today expressed condolences to the families and colleagues of at least two aid workers, together with five of their relatives, who were killed in an attack that hit the office of the NGO Caritas in Mariupol. That attack took place a few weeks ago on March 15th.

Continuing on Ukraine, in a statement issued today, the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, reiterated her strong concern at the continued deterioration of the situation in Ukraine.
Related to the impact of the Ukraine crisis, as explained in depth by the Secretary-General yesterday, today $100 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund was allocated to hunger hotspots in Africa and the Middle East as the spillover effects of the Ukrainian conflict threaten to drive millions even closer to famine.
Our colleagues at World Food Programme (WFP) are telling us that their operational costs for West Africa are expected to go up by $136 million, as a result of the rise in fuel prices and food prices.
In Mali, there has been a sharp increase in displacement since January due to armed conflicts and a rise in intercommunal violence in the northern and central parts of the country.
From South Sudan, the head of the UN Mission in that country, Nicholas Haysom, strongly condemned attacks on civilians in Leer in Unity State.

The UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) has received reports of multiple incidents this week involving armed actors attacking Dinka villages.
In the Central African Republic, the UN Mission has organized a workshop on political leadership and youth participation in elections. 
The Secretary-General is following closely the deteriorating security situation and escalating violence in the occupied West Bank, which in the past two days alone claimed the lives of at least six Palestinians, including a 14-year-old boy.
Hans Grundberg, the Special Envoy for Yemen, briefed the Security Council via videoconference on his recent diplomatic efforts. He noted that the first nationwide truce in six years has come into effect in Yemen. 
Today, Haiti published an update of its two-year Humanitarian Response Plan, in support of national authorities and local and community-based organizations.

Our colleagues in the Philippines are telling us that we are providing support in the wake of Tropical Storm Megi: The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will provide water and sanitation hygiene supplies, while the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is helping manage camps, providing support in the areas of health and emergency shelter. WFP is also helping with logistics.
In Venezuela, our UN team, led by the Resident Coordinator, Gianluca Rampolla del Tindaro, continues to help address the needs of the most vulnerable populations.
We are announcing two new Resident Coordinators, following the approval of the respective host governments.
In Djibouti, Jose Barahona of Spain took up his new Resident Coordinator post on April 1st, while George Wachira of Kenya started leading the team in Eswatini on April 4th.

I wanted to update you on a disciplinary case that we talked about in May of 2020, and this is on the outcome of an investigation into possible misconduct by three staff members of the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO). Two of them have been separated from the Organization and the third has received an appropriate disciplinary measure.
The guest at today’s Noon Briefing was the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Adam Abdelmoula, who spoke on the current situation in Somalia.
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