Radio Ergo audience feedback report, 10 March 2022 – Somalia – ReliefWeb

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Calls recorded on Radio Ergo’s independent toll-free feedback platform this week (2-8 March 2022) follow the trend from recent previous weeks with the impact of the drought intensifying, according to listeners across the country. Somaliland regions and Galmudug stand out in terms of the highest number of calls. Middle Shabelle and Gedo regions in the south were also prominent. A critical lack of water was commonly described, with people saying they and their livestock are in dire circumstances. Communities displaced from their home areas appealed for help. Livestock herders asked for treatment and vaccinations for their animals.
Calls about COVID19 were slightly up with questions about the disease and the vaccine. The following summarises the calls by theme.
Drought impact and water crisis – among the Somaliland callers, one herder said they were now destitute as they had not been able to sell their livestock. A caller in Awdal said their livestock were weak and thin. A caller in Salahley said the area was peaceful but they lacked water and fodder. There was a large number of calls from Togdher region. A caller in Tala-bur said water aid had been diverted and had not reached them. Among the many callers from Buhodle, one said their livestock were starving and they had no safe drinking water. Another said the land was bare, water was scarce and the animals were weak. Most appealed for aid. A caller in Sarar suggested national prayers for rainfall. Callers in various parts of Sanag asked for intervention to enable them and their herds to survive the prolonged harsh conditions. In Sool, a caller in Awr-bogeys said lack of clean water was their major problem and the children were sick with diarrhoea. A caller in Hudun said they needed water and food. A caller in Lasanod said people were becoming vulnerable and needed aid services. Callers in Puntland complained of lack of government attention to the crisis. In Mudug, a caller in Qalanqal said the only water left was undrinkable for people and animals, and monkeys were attacking as they tried to access it. Callers in Abudwak, Galgadud, said the drought was killing livestock and there were no jobs. IDPs in a camp in Adado said they had no water. A female caller in Ariadays said the drought was leading to death and displacement. A caller in Bali Ad northeast of Guriel welcomed a new borehole constructed in their area which meant they were no longer reliant on water trucking. In Guriel, a caller said they were facing drought, conflict, and inability to sell their livestock. Another said their donkey was no longer strong enough to fetch water. A female caller in Shilamadow said she was among 100 drought-hit families in the area in urgent need of water and aid. In Middle Shabelle, a caller in El-Maan said their livestock were unable to walk. A caller in Jowhar said prices of water, food and fuel were escalating and people were becoming destitute. Callers in various parts of Gedo said they had no water and livestock were dying, including one in Bardera who said the district had been ravaged by drought.
Livestock – among the callers about livestock health, a caller from Karkar said vaccination teams had come to their area but had not attended to all the animals. A caller in Middle Shabelle said they did not know if their livestock were dying from drought or diseases and they wanted veterinary diagnosis and treatment.
COVID19 – callers from different regions had questions about the symptoms of Coronavirus compared with flu, and about the efficacy of COVID19 vaccines.
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