Kaluumaysato U Dhalatay Iiraan Oo Ka Baxsatay Budhcadbadeed Ay U Afduubnaayeen

[In this Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012 photo provided by the U.S. Navy, a sailor aboard a safety boat observes a visit, board, search and seizure team assigned to the guided-missile destroyer USS Kidd (DDG 100) board the Iranian-flagged fishing dhow Al Molai in the Arabian Sea. The U.S. Navy team boarded the ship Thursday and detained 15 pirates who had been holding the 13-member Iranian crew hostage and were using the vessel as a "mother ship" for pirating operations in the Persian Gulf. (AP Photo/U.S. Navy)] *** [] ** Usable by LA and DC Only **


Mudug(SLpost)-Lix iyo toban shaqaale kaluumaysato ah oo u dhashay dalka Iiraan ayaa ka baxsaday gacanta budhacadbadeed ay ku jireen in ku dhaw sadex bilood.

[In this Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012 photo provided by the U.S. Navy, a sailor aboard a safety boat observes a visit, board, search and seizure team assigned to the guided-missile destroyer USS Kidd (DDG 100) board the Iranian-flagged fishing dhow Al Molai in the Arabian Sea. The U.S. Navy team boarded the ship Thursday and detained 15 pirates who had been holding the 13-member Iranian crew hostage and were using the vessel as a "mother ship" for pirating operations in the Persian Gulf. (AP Photo/U.S. Navy)] *** [] ** Usable by LA and DC Only **

budhcad badeedan oo ku afduubnaa deegaanka Ceelhuur oo ka tirsan gobalka mudug ayaa baxsaday kadib markii ay ka awood bateen afar budhcad badeed ah oo ilaalo ka hayay kooxdan afduubnayd.

budhcad badeeda ayaa ku eedaysay kaluumaysatadan Iiraan u dhalatay inay biyaha Somaliya ay sharci daro uga kaluumaysanayeen, doonyo tiro badan oo ka kaluumaysta biyaha Somaliya ayaa mararka qaarkood gacanta u gala Budhcad badeeda kuwaas oo lagu si daayo lacag madaxfurasho ah.