Jamaal Cali Xuseen Wuxuu muujiyey Talaabo ku Dayasho Mudan oo ka Farxisay dad Badan

jamaal-caliQisadan xiisaha badan leh ee u baahan in inta la midda iyo in kaleba ay kaga daydaan Jamal Ali Hussein

“Maanta waxaan Ilaahay uga mahadnaqayaa in laba arday oo aanan weligay arag intay warqad ii soo qorteen lix sanadood ka hor iyagoo aha.a ardaydii ugu sareysay iskuulka Sheekh sanadkaasi ay iga codsadeen inaan waxbarasho u diro; sanadkaasi oo Bonus fiican xagga shaqadayda layga siiyey ayaan is idhi; “waar kuwan Ilaahay baa kuugu soo dhiibee miyaad iskuulka ka bixisid!” soo doorta ayaan ku idhi meeshaad rabtaan; way rumeysan waayeen oo sanadkaasi Hargeysa ayaan fasax ku imid, mid walbana reerkooda ayaan la kulmay iyadoo aanan garaneynin cid ay ka ahaayeen, iyo qolo ay ahaayeen. Waxaan u sheegay inaan iskuulka ka hubin doono kaalmaha koowaad ee ay iskuulka ka galeen, iyo grades kooda uun si aan tacliinta uga bixiyo. Iskuulkii Sheikh Secondary School baan la xidhiidhay oo ii xaqiijiyey, iyo anigoo markaan la kulmay labaddaa dhalinyaradda ah inaan ku qancay ayaa anigoo xataa qolo ay ahaayeen aan garaneynin aan Jaamcadaddoodii ay dhakhtarnimadda ku baranayeen ee dalka Uganda dusha u ritay anigoo ka daalacanaayey lacagtaasi abaal-marinta ah ee anigaba sanadkaasi uu Baankii aan u shaqeeynaayey i siiyey ayaan is idhi Ilaahay baa kuugu soo dhiibbee iyagana ka farxi. Waxaa maanta ii ah sharaf iyo farxad weyn in ay labadooddiiba Dr. Xaamud iyo Dr. Boobe ay 6 sanadood ku soo barteen dhakhtarnimadda dalka Uganda oo ay Jaamacaddii adkeyd iyo halgankii Ilaahay ku soo guuleeyey. Waa mid waalidkood, iyo dalkooduba ay anfacsan doonaan boqolaal sanadood maadama dadka ay iyagu daweyn doonaan iyo kuwa ay dhisi doonaanba ay dalkeena xoog ku yeelan doonaan. Waxaan ku qiirooday warqaddan af Ingiriisiga ah ee uu Dr. Xaamud toos iigu soo qoray. Taasina i siinaysaa yididiilo iyo niyad wanaag. Hoos ka akriso Jawaabtaydii gaabneyd ee aan isaga ugu jawaabay iyo warqaddii uu ii soo qoray. Ilaahay baa mahad leh; “ILAAHAY WUXUU U NAXARIISTAA KUWA IYAGU ISU NAXARIISTA”

QALINKII: Jamaal Cali Xuseen

TO: Dr. Xaamud Iyo Dr. Boobe.

I had all the confidence in the world that both of you Dr. Hamud and Dr. Boobe would be very successful studing Medicine and becoming DOCTORS. I have told you keep going until you earn and they call you “Doctor”. I am very impressed as I was impressed in then six years ago. You made your family proud, you made your country proud, and you really made my day. Allah had intended for you to go through this journey. You worked hard, and you deserve to enjoy your success. You are an inspiration to many people. May Allah bless you, and thank you very much brother.

Dear Jamal Ali Hussein.

It is almost six years now since we first met in Hargeisa back in 2008. Back then, I was a high school leaver with nothing much to farther my studies and now, Alxamdulilah, I am a medical doctor sworn in to serve humanity because of your constant, generous and unconditional help. Brother, no words can even begin to express how blessed I feel to have met you, and how grateful I am for all that which you have done for me over the past six years that shaped my life in a rewarding and a positive way. Indeed, you have touched my life in a way that is beyond imagination.

I know there are a lot of things you can give to people but you gave me and many others the most powerful of all gifts – it is education- you have opened for me the door of freedom for which I will forever be thankful. The most striking thing was the fact that you gave me this without expecting anything in return. As I rejoice with my family for the life-time achievement I have just realized, I want you to know that it is your success too because you nurtured a doctor for my family, and for the country we most dearly love. I know my family is indebted, especially my mother who prays for you all the time. She may not be able to reach you to say thanks but her prayers are always with you my brother. As known to many, you are the most generous and kind person I have ever seen. I remember the day you told us to name any course, any university, in anywhere and get the admission, which we did. Even our families could not believe for a moment that somebody could do what you have done for us. My brother, I have run short of words because of how happy I am, but I want you to know that I am your investment for myself, my family and my country. Today I am far much empowered than six years ago when we first met. Now I have a mind that says “Go out there and help others just the way you were helped”. The attitude you built in me will help me serve my patients better and help others who are in need. I know today you have ventured into the world of politics not for personal gains, as simple minds my think, but to help others in a larger scale. May Allah make it easy for you, May He bestow on you the wisdom to lead our nation, May you prosper in this life and in the next. May Allah forgive you all your sins and admit you to paradise with no reckoning. Just know that I am personally with you in every step of the way. Keep going and say NO to distractions. You will make it to the top. You are a born winner, you have always been. You are visionary; you have a vision for our country. You will find obstacles and “STOP” signs along the way, but do not dismay rather keep moving for the country needs you.

Long live Jamal Ali Hussein